14 February 2010

things to do this on this short break.

1. Revise. Revise to my view doesn't mean I have to be able to answer 100% correct of each subjects. It means I had revise, and try to understand each topics. Mistakes are inevitable, no? - sort of done lahh. but not so faham yet +_+

  1. Stats 
  2. Microeconomics 
  3. Management
  4. Financial Accounting
2. Go out for breakfast with high school cliques. Just like the old times. - done
3. Visit the dentist. - still am so busy and scared :(
4. Eat fast food. I haven't consume any since I entered 2nd semester. This is so weird. -done
5. Wakenabeb on the 15th. - done
6. Cook something. I'll figure out what, soon. - done
7. Correct errors I did in MGT asgment. - done
8. Go to the beach - done
9. Shisha-ing, no? - no, not yet.
10. Nasi Sup Riverview, anyone? - ramai orangg. time free tutup pulak :(
11. Anak Keraks original, so long. Let's meet. - tak sempat.
12. Get a haircut - done

Oh, Valentine anyone? not for me, though.



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