15 January 2010


it has been quite sometime. yup. I guess I'm too distracted with college. And lots of my to do list are not yet completed. Sigh. Hmm. What's new? Quite some things.

Hey it's pretty good here in UiTM. I was placed in a room with my good friends. Awesome. Bilik ini selalu sangat bising. Dan happy. Selalu buat aku xrasa lonely. Well, college life has started dan ia membuat aku sibuk. Classes, things to complete, things to revise, assignments. And I just realize that I actually love studying. It keeps myself busy. Keep myself from thinking about unnecessary things.

Anyway kelas agak bosan. Almost all girls. I mean, where all the boys had been? Extinction maybe. No. Bukan bosan sbb xde boys je. All girls pulak mostly yg jenis senyap. Ngantukk weh. I need time to settle down in this class. Tapi kwn2 yg best ade, so xkesahh ah.

There's a lot of pics but im so lazy to upload it here. Line broadband ini agak xbape laju la. Eh I got my broadband as a present for getting DL. Thanks Mama. I'll try my best to maintain the result.

My emotion had been through a hell of a rollercoaster ride. Sometimes I felt super strong that nothing can put me down, and sometimes I am at my lowest that a single word might break me. Kadang2 aku benci someone, tapi kadang2 aku sedar, aku yg bodoh. Sometimes I felt okay, sometimes tears just form behind my eyes. But I have not cried a single tear yet since coming to UiTM. Tapi untuk hari2 seterusnya, xtaw la.

Hmm. I miss home. Next week baru dpt balik. 3 minggu ini agak busy.

Okay I have to stop. It's almost 3 am now and I have to wake up at 7 tomorrow. So, till nxt time. :)


.my. said...

bsdh plop ko?jgnnn.hee.ptt lamo xnapop,bz dis.kim sale ko rara.haha.

Jacobs Weetameal. said...

haha. yeah. sibupp. :(

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