22 January 2010

Aku rasa bodoh.

Ye betul. Tu la perasaan aku sekarang. No. No I won't dread about that issue anymore. Cukuplah. I have much things to focus on now. Titik. 

Aku kene fokus on study for this sem. Subjek subjek semakin susah. Lecturer makin hampeh. Kelas Statistics macam lancau. Argh. Byk yg aku kena ade self-effort. Gap antara kelas selalu panjang2. Aku menghadapi kesukaran utk bangun dari tidur dan pergi ke kelas. Sigh. Aku masih mencari titik tumpuan aku. 

I learnt violin from Elle. Amek as ko-ku for this semester. Agak lambat kan mulanya. Susah dowh violin. I am such a slow learner, had to admit that Bukan dalam violin je slow, dlm study pun sama je. Kena byk byk praktis utk jadi better. My fingers sangatlahhh slow :( Other than that, violin adalah instrument muzik yg sedih bagi aku. The way it sounds. Hmm.  IDK whether I'm going to take violin again for next sem. Igt nk fokus moooore on study. Yess I am such a nerd. :)

btw penang was so much fun. mane lg nk pergi next ya? Johor? anyone?

and yeah, this is part of ppl that make my life in UiTM better. ade lagii. tp dah ah. mls nk upload. ckp la kot. :)


kim said...

johor?tkbehhhhh. aku nk g plopp. haha. best okayyyyyyyyyy. movie plop yg penting. ^^

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