13 December 2009

On Why I Have to Have a Stable Income (In The Future)

I cannot rely on my other half. Even if I get married to someone rich (IF, I repeat IF), that does not promise me a great future. And same goes to if I get married to someone poor. Bile2 je laki tu bleh tinggal aku untuk pompuan lain. I've seen so many real-life-situation where bila dah steady, lelaki senang2 je buat hal. I cannot blame them if they said the new women je yg buat diorg happy. If they think that is the best for them? 

After all, would you want to force someone to be with you if dia dah takda hati dengan perhubungan itu? You can try to fix things up, but if it doesn't work?

Someone said, hati manusia ni bile2 je boleh berubah and I believe in that. I believe I cannot make it through polygamy/divorce if I do not have a stable income. Memang ade nafkah, kalau laki kau nak bayar la, tapi kalau dia tak nak bayar? Nak ke berhempas pulas memintak dgn lelaki yg xperlu kau, yang ade pompuan lain, yang tinggalkan kau. Ade maruah kan?

Sape nak bayar kete, bills, dan keperluan hidup? You can say money is not everything, tapi open your eyes, dalam dunia skang ni, semua nak duit beb. Order air suam kat kedai pun dah 50sen (tak semua la). But you get the picture right?

Sebagai perempuan, kalau bercerai ade anak, mesti la die nak custody anak2. Sape nak tgk anak die dibesarkan pompuan yg hancurkan marriage dia? Perempuan je paham hati perempuan. Without a stable income, susah beb nak dapat custody. It's cruel, but you have to live in reality.

Kau boleh cakap your partner xkan sekali2 tinggalkan kau. Like love is great, love is forever, he's the one, he's the true love,, whatever. Things might be perfect now, but can you ever predict the future? Love might just come, and go. Who knew? Who are we to deny? 

It's better to be prepared.

You might say I am too young to talk about this. But boy, was I glad that I realized it this early? So that I can try to put my best in my education, in order to have a promising future. InsyaAllah.

so babe2 sekalian, belajarlah selagi masih ade peluang ni (ditujukan untuk diri sendiri, dan kwn2 perempuan)


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